Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Real Mitt Romney - 1

For the next few blog posts I am going to tell some stories about Mitt Romney.  Everyone talks about how stiff he is and how he doesn’t share anything about himself.  Jesus told us that the one seeking recognition of his good deeds is the one who will have no reward from the Father.  I admire a humble man.
Whether you love him, hate him, or don't know how you feel, these stories will make YOU feel good!  

That story begins in the aftermath of the wildfires that engulfed San Diego in the fall of 2007, consuming dozens of homes in Reed Fisher’s neighborhood and nearly his own.

Fisher told CBS News the fire did burn a hole through a fence and caught the corner of his house.

While the house was being repaired Fisher got a call from a fellow Mormon, one of his son’s friends, offering help. It was Matt Romney, one of Mitt Romney’s five sons.

When asked what he said, Fisher said, “We would like to come help. We would like to come do something. And I said, ‘Matt, I wish you could, but almost everything has been cleaned up.’ But he pressed me, and I said, ‘Well, there is this one thing. And I don’t know if the insurance is going to cover it. There is a big tree stump in my front yard. They took the tree down, the tree was torched in the fire. But the stump was still there.’ So Matt insisted, he said, ‘We would like to bring a couple of guys and do some service at your house.’”

On that day, Fisher said he ran out to get some breakfast for the volunteers. Fisher said, “As I drove down to my house, there are four men working in the hole there, … and one of them is running for President of the United States of America.”

That man was Romney. When his son told him about the service project, he had asked if he could help.

“He had dirt under his fingernails,” Fisher said. “He was the first one down the hole. He’s the first one with the power saw. He’s doing the hardest work of any of us.”

Can you imagine driving up to your house and a Presidential candidate is helping to dig a stump out of your yard?  

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today is 09.11.12 - WHY would anyone who LOVES America vote for Obama in 2012

Today is a sacred day in American history, 2,976 people died in America on 09.01.01. A total of 2,740 American citizens died that day. They were murdered by radical Muslim terrorists. 
I've been watching Twitter, and the news feeds today. An agreement was made to suspend the campaign advertising on 09.11. The first Tweet sent out by @BarackObama today was a request for people to volunteer for his Presidential campaign. That was his priority today, 09.11.12.
@MittRomney sent out this statement, "On this most somber day, America is united under God in its quest for peace and freedom at home and across the world." He also said, " In remembrance, let us recall what the flag symbolizes & the many who have sacrificed so that we may fly it proudly" and linked to this video, "Raise the Flag" http://mi.tt/OE1rNF

Which is more Presidential, the one begging for volunteers and advertising on a solemn day, or the one who pays tribute to what this day really stands for? 
In 2011 Obama declared "September 11th is a day of service". No, September 11th is a day of mourning and remembrance. It is a day we honor the victims who died and we should dedicate ourselves to fighting anyone who threatens our country and our way of life. We should re-dedicate ourselves to fighting for freedom! 
Obama has proclaimed that Middle-East Muslims are our friends and takes credit for the "Arab Spring". Obama has proclaimed that there are a large number of Muslims in the US so we could be considered a Muslim Nation. On April 6, 2009, he announced in Turkey that "We do not consider ourselves a Christian Nation". I say speak for yourself, at least 76% of Americans consider themselves Christian, .06% consider themselves Muslim.i
Obama backs the Muslim Brotherhood, he is working around Congress to give them $1.5 Billion in aid from OUR tax dollars. The Muslim Brotherhood is crucifying opponents of their new President. Christians are in serious trouble in Egypt. The Quran in Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to wage war against Christians and subjugate them. They hate US!
The radical Muslims in the Middle East ARE NOT our friends, Obama, they are our enemies. They HATE us and everything we stand for. Their Quran says to kill, enslave, or tax Christians and others who will not convert to Islam. They hate, harass, attack, and murder, women, homosexuals, and handicapped people.
Obama wants the U.S. does not believe in American Exceptionalism, he doesn't believe that we should be stronger, wealthier, healthier, and more influential than other countries. He wants America to have LESS power to shape world events. He has used the term "leading from behind", which means LOSING!
Today, on the 11th Anniversary of 9/11, Obama's radical Muslim friends stormed the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. They ripped the U.S. Flag down and flew the al-Qaeda flag.
Today, Mobs set fire to the U.S. consulate in Benghazi Libya. The attackers, hardliners waving black banners, they too tore down the U.S. Flag, murdered one American and wounded another!
Iran is developing nuclear weapons and threatening Israel! 
Mexico arrested a member of a-Qaeda. How long till he would have crossed our border? Obama won't secure tour borders and is suing states who try. What would this terrorist have done when he got here?
We are once again under attack by radical Muslims, these people Obama say are "our" friends. They are emboldened after seeing how Obama has weakened our country during his "reign" and I'm sure they watched that fiasco in Charlotte last week. Obama can consider them his friends, I consider them enemies. 
Is this the man you want in the White House, one who believes our enemies are our friends?
Today, Obama told Benjamin Netanyahu he doesn't have time to see him while he is in the U.S. in a couple of weeks. They are about to go to WAR over there. I say if you are PRESIDENT, get your ASS back to Washington D.C., and ACT like the PRESIDENT!  That is your job, not campaigning. Israel has been our great ally. While Obama has bowed to, and kissed the rings of our enemies, he ignores our greatest allies, Israel, Great Britain and Australia. 
The United States of America can't survive four (4) more years of Obama. 
So now the BIG question,… WHY would anyone who LOVES America, vote for Obama in 2012?